Articles on: Selar Guides

Change Currency

As a merchant on Selar, it is important to note that each merchant can have only one default currency for their payouts. This means that all sales made in other currencies will be converted to the merchant's default currency.

If you have recently relocated and wish to change your Selar default currency, we kindly request the following information and documentation to proceed with your request:

Reason for Change of Currency:

Please specify the reason behind your request to change the currency.
This helps us understand your situation and process the request accordingly.
Proof of Address in the New Country:

Submit a document as proof of your new address in the country where you wish to change the currency.
This could be a utility bill, bank statement, or any official document displaying your name and address.
Bank Account Details in the New Country:

Provide the details of your new bank account in the country where you intend to switch the currency.
Include the bank name, branch address, account number, and any other relevant information.
Confirmation Letter from the Bank:

Obtain a confirmation letter from your new bank verifying that you hold an account with them.
This letter should be officially stamped by the bank to ensure its authenticity.
Evidence of Location Change:

Present supporting evidence indicating your relocation, such as travel papers (e.g., visa, passport stamps).
These documents help establish that you have indeed moved to the new country.

Once you have gathered the required information and documentation, please submit them to us via email at We will then process your currency change request accordingly.

Please note that upon reviewing the provided details, we will make the necessary adjustments to your currency. We appreciate your cooperation in providing the required information, as it helps us ensure the accuracy and security of the currency change process.

If you have any further questions or require clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team. We are here to assist you throughout the process.

Updated on: 20/06/2023

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