Articles on: Customer Guides

Contact/Verify the Merchant

We understand the importance of being able to directly connect with merchants selling products on Selar. To facilitate this process and ensure authenticity, we have implemented a straightforward method for you to engage with them. Here's how:

Visit the Selar store:
To start, navigate to the specific Selar store where the product you're interested in is listed.

Locate the social media links:
Under the store name, you will find the merchant's social media links displayed prominently. They are presented as follows:

SM links

Click on the desired social media logo:
Choose the social media platform of your preference, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or others, by clicking on the corresponding logo under the store name.

Connect with the merchant:
By clicking on the social media logo, you will be redirected to the merchant's online presence on that particular platform. From there, you can send them a direct message (DM) to inquire about any information or clarification you may need regarding the product.We have made it easy for you to speak to the merchant selling a product on Selar. You can aslo use this to verify the merchant's authenticity

Have a nice day!

Updated on: 20/06/2023

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