Articles on: Affiliate Network & Marketplace

How can I get paid as an Affiliate?

When a sale is facilitated, you get your commission paid to your Selar wallet based on the payout schedule of the currency.

A payout schedule is the time frame it takes for the money to be available after a sale is made. You can check our timelines here

We also have an Upcoming payout feature that shows you when your payout will be in yoru wallet. Kindly check this[ here ](

Click here to withdraw from your wallet

To use the wallet, you must have set up your payout details which is your bank account or mobile money account. Set this up here now

There are different payout schedules for different currencies, E.g. For Naira (NGN) transactions, the funds become available a day after the transaction, so if you facilitate a sale in Naira (NGN) today, you’ll have the funds in your Selar wallet tomorrow, and you can withdraw the funds to your local bank account right from your dashboard.

Updated on: 25/07/2023

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